Mountain Bike Ultimate is the combination of our two favorite sports:
Mountain Biking and Ultimate Frisbee!
- Played a little like Ultimate, a little like polo on a field with a goal area and a "clear line" (like in 1/2 court basketball), the game is fast paced and fun!
- You can play 2 on 2 and greater, you can even play with an odd number by adding a full-time offensive player. We find 3 on 3 to be the best configuration.
- In short, there are two teams - everybody on Mt. Bikes. One team (the offense) is passing the disc to their teammates in an attempt to score. No pedaling is allowed while you have possession of the disc, though you are required to stay in the pedals and coast. The other team (defense) is looking to block, intercept or gain possession via a turn-over (drop.) Scoring is accomplished by completing a pass thru the goal markers.
MBU } How did it all begin? Please go to the MBU}History Page to learn how the sport was created.
MBU } How do play it? Please go to the MBU}Rules Page for a complete description of the game and how it's played.
MBU } Is this for real? Show me pictures of people playing this game! Please go to the MBU}Gallery Page to see images of MBU in action!
MBU } If I really need to contact to somebody at MBU Central, what is your contact info? Contact us at "mbu [at] mbu-central [dot] com"